Sunday, June 5, 2011


"Raise the red flag of Mao high and let us make a revolution to the end"

 This picture is showing the influence that Mao himself had on the people of China. If you notice, they are all youthful. Mao could not convince the older people because they had already developed their own beliefs and such. 

We can connect this to Red Scarf Girl because in the book, the children were very enthusiastic and believed in Mao; whereas, the parents of Ji-Li and the adults were reluctant and did not support Mao. They did not oppose of him either in order to survive his reign.

Alice seeing the Red Queen's servants painting her roses red. The Red Queen was not satisfied of the color and therefore demanded that they paint them red...or else.. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.

I think that Alice in Wonderland is a good connection to Red Scarf Girl because of the fact that it has the color red and a central antagonist. The central antagonist in the two books are the Red Queen and Mao Zedong. They both cloak their nation in the color red and they want the people to conform and be as one, dress as one, think as one, and so forth.

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